"Don't Underestimate the Value of Doing Nothing..."
Are you taking enough downtime? What is down time? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as an inactive time (such as time between periods of work).
This summer I took some much-needed downtime. Instead of adding more work when I got home, on the weekends, or squeezing in a few more tasks, I gardened, took naps, went for walks, had coffee with my husband, puttered around the house or just did nothing.
Winnie the Pooh sums it up best-

"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering."
I took downtime from Facebook and LinkedIn to include posting, viewing, commenting, writing my newsletter, working on live classes, online material, health tips, programs and going to networking functions. I needed some nothing time and decided to give myself this gift over the summer.
The results have been empowering. My practice is thriving and I have a wait-list for new clients, my home is thriving and peaceful, my body feels more fit and rested and I have more energy for my important relationships.
It is already the middle of August and that means school has started, gardens are full and producing, (I hope!) vacations are ending and fall is around the corner. Take time to do nothing and give yourself the gift of downtime.
Downtime promotes health and healing. Here are 3-5 tips to implement downtime for better health, sleep and living.
1) Take time to unplug to create downtime. It can produce healing and energizing results.
Unplug a day a week and spend time outdoors, with family, doing a craft, gardening, or hiking.
Unplug an hour a day from phone, computer, TV. Spend time in nature, gardening, hiking, playing or just being.
Can also play games, craft, or do a puzzle.
Unplugging an hour and half prior to bed from all LED blue lighting technology, has been shown to help promote a good night sleep.
2) Take downtime after work. Doing nothing can have positive results.
Add a 10-minute walk before or after dinner.
Watch the sunset or the moon rise.
Visit with family or friends.
Sit down at the table for dinner with family or friends.
Take a nap.
3) Take downtime each Season. Your body is not wired to work and perform 24/7 so build in breaks during each season.
Build in Summer downtime. Summer is a great time for .
beach time
visiting with friends
Build in Fall downtime. Fall is a great time to add apple harvesting.
making cider
raking leaves
watching movies
reading a good book, one not for work or self-help! baking and cooking
taking long walks and a good soak in the tub

Build in Winter downtime. Winter is a time of quiet, the days are short and nights are
long. This is a time to promote good sleep.
Add naps on days off, go to bed earlier than in other seasons
Soak your body in hot tub, bath or natural springs
Walk in nature
Make soup or broth
Snuggle on the couch with a blanket, your partner or a book
Go to bed 15 to 30 minutes earlier than in summer.
Be consistent with bedtime routine and when you go to bed
The key is to pick a few, no more than three ways to promote downtime. The point is to do nothing that has to do with work!!! Downtime is essential to health, sleep and living.