Chronic Pain and Burnout Part Two
“My candle burns at both ends/it will not last the night.” —Edna St. Vincent Millay Here in the U.S a large chunk of the American...

Chronic Pain and Burnout-Part One
One of the first physical symptoms of burnout is fatigue. Intellectually, there may be a loss of creativity and sharpness in problem...

Why do we get tired after a vacation?
How to have a healthy PACE when on vacation…. Over the summer, my family and I went spent a month in Ireland. Yes, I did say a whole...

Top 10 Ways to Take Care of yourself!
“Self-care is defined as the active participation in enhancing the quality of your health.” Unknown What happens when you are stressed to...

Stress and ILLNESS: What's the Connection?
When I see a client for the first time, I ask them, “How do you know you are experiencing stress?” Most of the time I get answers like “I...

What is the #1 Body Sign that tell you--You are STRESSED?
I was working on a client’s knee this week and as she was releasing a pain pattern, I noticed she was holding her breath. She was...

How getting more REST can RESTORE your health!
Feeling rested is not something to take for granted. Sleep is a big part of the process that helps one feel rested. Most of us are...

Let Nature Show YOU the Path to Peace…
Nature and the gentle yet simple ways it teaches us Peace is the Path. I like to learn from nature because it shows me the patterns and...

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude~
As I sit and reflect on the word Gratitude, I am reminded of the words by Lisa Nichols, ‘what is your gift wrapped in sandpaper?’ For me...

5 Slow and Steady Ways You can add Self-Nurturing to Your Day!
I was on my way to an appointment and stopped at a signal having a lovely conversation with my daughter and WHAM! I was rear-ended hard....